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A Clean Scalp is important for Normal Healthy Hair Growth

A Clean Scalp is important for Normal Healthy Hair Growth

Keeping the scalp clean and healthy is an integral part in achieving normal healthy hair growth. If the scalp is not cared for properly, then build-up from sweat, dirt and excess oils can block the follicles, resulting in a range of issues, from inflammation, to severe itching and dandruff.

Conversely, hair follicles do need some natural oils from the sebaceous glands that surround them to function normally. If you have a dry, irritated, or generally unhealthy scalp this will also affect the condition of your hair.

So, how do you achieve a clean healthy pH balanced scalp?

Wash your scalp with a gentle shampoo every 2 to 3 days. If you wash more often you'll strip away the scalp's natural oils, which condition the hair follicle and strands. Washing your hair less frequently, 4-5 days or more, will cause a build-up of dead skin cells and oils, creating inflammation, which in turn, will slow the hair's normal growth cycle.

If you're prone to greasy roots, shampooing daily is fine as long as you use a gentle shampoo, preferably of natural origin, so it won't dry out your scalp. The Holistic Hair Pure Shampoo & Conditioner is perfect for daily shampooing and suitable for all hair types. It’s great for families wanting to convert from synthetic hair care to natural hair care.

If you suffer from a dry scalp or any scalp condition try the Holistic Hair Scalp Treatment Oil a soothing blend of nutrient-rich plant oils to calm and moisturise an itchy irritated scalp. Calendula, Lavender, Chamomile, and Patchouli essential oils unite to relieve itching and inflammation. Sweet Almond and Jojoba oils provide support to reduce dryness and flaking.

If you have fine or thinning hair you will certainly be looking to maintain if not increase your normal hair growth.  We recommend Essential Scalp Spray featuring a complex blend of herbs and botanicals, offering support for normal hair growth. Stimulating and revitalising properties of Rosemary and Bergamot encourage circulation to the scalp. Neroli from the blossom of the bitter orange tree and aromatic Lavender alleviate dryness and inflammation.

We hope this blog will help you to understand the importance of a clean scalp for healthy hair growth.

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